


神秘王爷的爱妃 /

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发布日期:2024-06-13 06:37    点击次数:87



Sex with robots will be a new type of intimacy... Apparently. 和机器人做爱是一种新型的亲密关系……这是显而易见的。

In November we reported on Abyss Creations, a company which has been developing realistic sex dolls for 20 years, and are currently planning on releasing new models – equipped with warm, life-like genitalia – in 2017. 去年11月我们就曾报道过,20年来,深渊创意公司一直致力于开发仿真性爱玩偶,该公司正打算在2017年推出具有体温和逼真生殖器的新型玩偶。

But if you thought that it couldn’t get any weirder – prepare to be wrong. 如果你认为再也不会有比这更诡异的玩偶出现,那你就错了。

Because it seems like Westworld is slowly becoming a reality - sex robot makers might soon be rolling out made-to-order identical models of your celebrity crush. 这听起来像是美剧《西部世界》正在慢慢成为现实——很快,性爱机器人的制造者可能就会推出定制服务,为你打造和你喜欢的名人一模一样的玩偶。

This is really happening. 但这是真实发生的事情。

According to Love and Sex with Robots author David Levy, celebrities could soon license their images to robot manufacturers, who would then create lifelike robot versions. 《和机器人谈情做爱》的作者戴维•莱维称,名人可能很快就会把自己的照片授权给机器人制造商,他们会造出以假乱真的名人机器人。

In addition to companies using photographs and video to make the models look like your chosen celebrity, they can even give the thing a pulse, mimicking life. 除了根据照片和视频制作你选定的名人玩偶,这些公司甚至还能赋予玩偶脉搏,让它们更像真人。


It gets worse/better. 还有更糟糕/美好的。

These robots will be so life-like that they will eventually be able to mimic the chosen celebrity's behavior and characteristics. 最终,这些仿真机器人甚至可以极为逼真地模仿目标名人的行为和特征。


Last year one Scarlett Johansson super fan spent £34,000 to create a doll in the actress' image. It even responds to compliments with smiles and giggles. 去年,一位斯嘉丽•约翰逊的狂热粉丝花了3.4万英镑制作了一个长相酷似斯嘉丽的机器人。这个机器人受到称赞时甚至还能回以微笑和咯咯的笑声。

So you see, you won’t just get an Adele sex robot, you can get her laugh too. 看吧,你不光能得到一个长得和阿黛尔一样的性爱机器人,你还能听到她的笑声。

What a time to be alive. 我们到底活在一个什么样的时代啊!
